
以下是 Reddit 网友提供的任务列表(可能引起不适,不逐一翻译):

1 Carve with a razor "f57" on your hand, send a photo to the curator.

2 Wake up at 4.20 a.m. and watch psychodelic and scary videos that curator sends you.

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3 Cut your arm with a razor along your veins, but not too deep, only 3 cuts, send a photo to the curator.

4 Draw a whale on a sheet of paper, send a photo to curator.

5 If you are ready to "become a whale", carve "YES" on your leg. If not-- cut yourself many times (punish yourself)

6 Task with a cipher. 

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7 Carve "f40" on your hand, send a photo to curator.

8 Type "#i_am_whale (rus. #я_кит) in your VKontakte status.

9 You have to overcome your fear.

10 Wake up at 4:20 a.m. and go to a roof (the higher the better)

11 Carve a whale on your hand with a razor, send a photo to curator.

12 Watch psychodelic and horror videos all day.

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13 Listen to music that "they" (curators) send you.

14 Cut your lip

15 Poke your hand with a needle many times

16 Do something painful to yourself, make yourself sick

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17 Go to the highest roof you can find, stand on the edge for some time.

18 Go to a bridge, stand on the edge 

19 Climb up a crane or at least try to do it

20 The curator checks if you are trustworthy

21 Have a talk "with a whale" (with another player like you or with a curator) in Skype

22 Go to a roof and sit on the edge with your legs dangling

23 Another task with a cipher.

24 Secret task

25 Have a meeting with a "whale" 

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26 The curator tells you the date of your death and you have to accept it

27 Wake up at 4:20 a.m. and go to rails (visit any railroad that you can find)

28 Don't talk to anyone all day

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29 Make a vow that "you're a whale"

30-49. Everyday you wake up at 4:20 a.m., watch horror videos, listen to music that "they" send you, make 1 cut on your body per day, talk "to a whale".

50 Jump off a high building. Take your life."

有俄罗斯媒体将该游戏的风靡和2015年11月至2016年4月期间俄罗斯 130 名年轻人的自杀联系起来,其中包含从公寓跳楼自杀、卧轨自杀等,这些年轻自杀者的共同点是,生前曾在俄罗斯社交网站 VK 上发布过与「蓝鲸」相关的图示。

今年2月,俄罗斯有两名分别15及16岁少女,双双从公寓跳下死亡,其中 15 岁的Yulia Konstantinova 在离世前在 Instagram 上发布了一张鲸鱼的图片。

而 16 岁的 Veronika Volkova 曾在社交媒体上发布手臂上用刀刻出的鲸鱼的照片;

17 岁的 Rina Palenkova 在铁轨边发布了两张自拍后卧轨自杀,随后迅速成了「蓝鲸」玩家心目中的偶像。



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不过都市传说、假新闻考据网站 Scopes 近期对「蓝鲸游戏是否与俄罗斯发生的多起自杀事件有关」的问题进行了考证,给出的结果是:未经证实(unproven )。这些案例暂时只能证明有自杀倾向的人们都加入了同一群组,而没有证据能直接证明是「蓝鲸游戏」直接导致了他们的自杀行为。

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但 Scopes 的这篇文章同时也指出指导和参与「蓝鲸游戏」的群体并非子虚乌有,他们的确在传播与死亡崇拜和诱导自杀的相关信息。可怕的是,一个名叫「Sea of Whales 」社区的组建者表示,他们其实对鼓励人们结束自己的生命并不感兴趣,他们创建这个游戏、渲染与之相关的传说只是想提高自己网站的浏览量。


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