日前,《THE》Winners of Times Higher Education Awards 2016 announced(2016泰晤士高等教育奖获奖名单揭晓),此次颁发了20类奖项,以表彰这些机构和个人在英国高等教育方面的杰出贡献。
伦敦卫生与热带医学院(London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)此次被评为Times Higher Education Awards 2016年度最佳大学(University of the Year),具体获奖名单如下:
Times Higher Education Awards 2016 winners年度最佳大学(University of the Year):
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine伦敦卫生与热带医学院
本年度创业型大学(Entrepreneurial University of the Year):
London South Bank University
本年度最具创新性教师奖(Most Innovative Teacher of the Year):
Sara Wolfson, Canterbury Christ Church University坎特伯雷大学
杰出的数字创新教学或研究奖(Outstanding Digital Innovation in Teaching or Research):
University of Leeds and Leeds College of Art利兹大学和利兹艺术学院
领导发展杰出贡献奖(Outstanding Contribution to Leadership Development):
Royal Holloway, University of London皇家霍洛威大学
本年度商学院奖(Business School of the Year):
Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde斯特拉思克莱德大学
THE DataPoints Merit Awards:
University of Surrey萨里大学
国际学生战略杰出奖(Outstanding International Student Strategy):
Royal Northern College of Music英国皇家北方音乐学院
本年度国际合作奖(International Collaboration of the Year):
The Royal College of Pathologists
扶持学生杰出奖(Outstanding Support for Students):
University of Wolverhampton伍尔弗汉普顿大学
创新和技术的杰出贡献奖(Outstanding Contribution to Innovation and Technology):
Nottingham Trent University诺丁汉特伦特大学
本年度扩大参与或宣传倡议奖(Widening Participation or Outreach Initiative of the Year):
University of Winchester温切斯特大学
商业-大学合作最具创新贡献奖(Most Innovative Contribution to Business-University Collaboration):
Dairy Crest, in collaboration with Harper Adams University
最快提高学生经验奖(Most Improved Student Experience):
Ulster University阿尔斯特大学
年度杰出研究主管(Outstanding Research Supervisor of the Year):
Alys Young, University of Manchester曼彻斯特大学
年度研究项目奖(Research Project of the Year):
University of Salford索尔福德大学
艺术卓越与创新奖(Excellence and Innovation in the Arts):
University of Central Lancashire中央兰开夏大学
当地社区杰出贡献奖(Outstanding Contribution to the Local Community):
Edge Hill University边山大学
雇主参与主动性杰出奖(Outstanding Employer Engagement Initiative):
Liverpool John Moores University利物浦约翰摩尔大学
迪林勋爵终身成就奖(The Lord Dearing Lifetime Achievement Award):
Lord Sainsbury of Turville
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